Come alive. Live your truth. Look GREAT! You have an energy about you. Is it dynamic, subtle, striking or animated? Want to know? When you learn to dress your truth by choosing the right fabric, cut and color plus hair, jewerly and make up for you it all comes together and works right for you.
Click here to find out what you're missing.

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Baby Love

Baby Love is Disguised as Self-Love

Babies are so easy to love even if they do keep you up at night and dirty their diapers several times a day.  Their miniature hands, feet, tummy and face are just too adorable to resist. They’re a mini you.

You find yourself thrilled with each new stage of development and going through great lengths just to get a little smile.  Who would have thought such a little bundle of sleepless nights could have so much power over you and yet bring you so much joy.

As she physically develops you start noticing which parent the features came from.  Even though you realize she’s going to end up with her daddy’s big nose you love her just the same.

You see the parts that came from you, the nicely shaped eyebrow, the long legs and even those ugly stubby toes of yours but you love her just the same.
And as the child grows you start to notice some aspects, talents, and personality traits of both parents.  Some you like and some you don’t but you love her just the same.

Isn’t it amazing haw you can love all those attributes, both physically and personality wise in your child but you have a hard time loving those same things in yourself?

Your child is a reflection of you and the other parent. Therefore, when you love your child even with all their ups and downs, in essence you love yourself.

Did you ever think of it that way before?

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Dog Lessons

We could Learn a Lot From Dogs

First off there’s forgiveness.  It doesn’t matter how bad a dog is treated he wants so much to have your acceptance and approval that he’ll come back to you.  He may roll over and submit, rub his nose under your hand as if to say pet me or lick any part of your body like he’s trying to say I’m sorry.  It’s sweet and how can you not forgive him when he’s just turned around and gave you his affection even though he’s misbehaved.  Too bad people aren’t as quick to say I’m sorry and give forgiveness to each other

Second, when he’s making amends with all those gesture he’s killing you with his kindness.  The slight tilt of his head, the pink tongue hanging out and the sad eyes sure do work in his favor.  How can you resist?

Third, the need for affection is amazing. What dog doesn’t like to be petted and have his tummy rubbed? Then there’s the out of now where lick on your hand, face, leg, you name it.  Let’s not forget the cuddling, if you can call it that. It’s when the dog likes to lie right next to you. In some instances he basically takes any area around, top, or side of you and lies across your body. Whatever position he finds most comfortable.  Sometimes I think they believed your part of the furniture.

Forgiveness, kindness, and affection - sounds like love to me.  I believe every part of nature is here for a purpose.  Maybe dogs were put here to show us what love looks like.

Your thoughts? 

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Mirror on the Wall

Mirror Mirror on the Wall who’s the …

What is it that you see?

Do you like what you see?

If you’re unsure on how to answer these questions a good exercise is to take a look at the people you do and don’t like.

First, think of someone you don’t care for. What is it about that person that you don’t like?  Pinpoint exactly what it is. For me there use to be a person in my life that would always keep tabs on what I was doing at work or reporting it to others, which by the way was none of her business. I did the same thing to her but I brushed if off because I was her boss.  But then I came to realize that the more she kept tabs on me the more I kept tabs on her even if it wasn’t work related. 

Here I was criticizing her when I was doing the same thing.  That was my own reflection in the mirror coming back to me which I didn’t like in myself.
Second, now think of an attribute you like in someone else.  I have a friend who is always giving me encouraging words and who is basically my cheerleader for my business. I also realized she did this for lots of other people and I really admire and am thankful for her support.

Then one day we were having a conversation and she complimented me on how I’m always encouraging and supporting others to be true to them and what a service I’m providing to them.  

Now isn’t that interesting? The same thing I liked about her is what she liked about me.

You could say you reap what you sow here but you can also say what you see in the world is actually a reflection of how you show up in the world. You notice these traits because they are in some form a part of what you do.  Sometimes it’s a nice reflection and sometimes it’s not so pretty.  If they didn’t have an effect on you then you have no emotion attached to it.
When you find yourself liking what someone else does or complimenting them then take notice, you likely have a similar attribute but it may not show up exactly like theirs.

Now the hard part, when you find yourself saying or thinking negative comments about someone else take a good honest look at yourself. Is it possible that you do the same thing in some way or another? That’s what I do and I find myself having less negative thoughts about others.
What does it do for me? It makes me more calm and accepting of other people’s behaviors. I realize they’re just being themselves.

What are your thoughts on this?

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Your True Colors

Show Your True Colors

What are your true colors? Most people are only vibrating at a pastel hue when they could be a vibrant orange, red or blue.

Come alive. It takes not only knowing but acting on what makes you come alive that makes your true colors shine. Unfortunately what holds people up is the belief that what they want to do or be won’t be liked, accepted, respected or acknowledged. That is a shame because then it’s fear that is holding you back from being who you are and thereby letting your true colors come shining through.

The song True Colors sums it up quite nicely.

“You with the sad eyes
Don't be discouraged
Oh I realize
It’s hard to take courage
In a world full of people
You can lose sight of it all
And the darkness inside you
Can make you feel so small

But I see your true colors
Shining through
I see your true colors
And that's why I love you
So don't be afraid to let them show
Your true colors
True colors are beautiful,
Like a rainbow

Show me a smile then,
Don't be unhappy, can't remember
When I last saw you laughing
If this world makes you crazy
And you've taken all you can bear
You call me up
Because you know I'll be there

And I'll see your true colors
Shining through
I see your true colors
And that's why I love you
So don't be afraid to let them show
Your true colors
True colors are beautiful,
Like a rainbow”

So what colors will your rainbow be?

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Turning the Table

Turning the Table

Turn the table is a term used most frequently used in the restaurant industry as the act of moving from one set of customers to another on the same table.  They need to turn the table as in how many times they can service the table with new customers.

You also can turn the table in your own life. Sometimes you have to just to turn the table and move on even if you haven’t come to a conclusion or closure in your relationship or career.  It can be a difficult decision to make because so often you want some type of closure and there just isn’t one coming.
It’s the times when you stay in a relationship hoping that things will change for the better or the career path you’re on just isn’t panning out.  Most often when people look back at those times they wished they would have made the decision to move on a lot sooner.  Fear of the unknown is what keeps a person hanging on.

There are so many ways to say it, move on, get over it, get out while you still can and turning table is just another way. When the taste for the endeavor already leaves a sour taste in your mouth you should have already turned the table otherwise you just end up building up resentment. And who do you have to blame for that, yourself for not moving on sooner?

Are you in a situation like that now?  Trust your gut feelings and do what’s best for you.  It’s the only way you’ll feel good about yourself. 

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Searching for Mr. Right

Searching for Mr. Right

Women and men will go to great lengths searching for their Mister or Misses Right, their soul mate, as if there were only ONE person on this whole entire planet that is right for you. That would be a cruel God and its just nonsense.

What if your Mr. Right lives on another continent?
What if that person has just passed on?
What if that person is just being born?
What if that person is already married, then what? Are you doomed to a life of unhappiness? Hardly!

If that were true, look at all the happy partnerships that end in death only to be reborn again in another partnership. It’s not the same but then it never could be.  There are too many facets to a person’s personality.  Where on one alliance brings out some attributes another taps into others.  It’s a mixed blessing, the end of one but the beginning of something new, a new adventure.
A soul mate is a person’s spirit that one feels completely combatable with, as if they were made for each other.  It’s the Ying and Yang complimenting each other.  There’s a deep connection.

However, every spirit (soul) belongs to a soul group and that group is very connected. So much so, that they show up around you in your friends, family, neighbors, community, co-workers and relationships.  You are connected to these people for a reason. Have you ever met someone and felt an instant connection with that person but you never met them before yet some how you’re very comfortable expressing yourself?  It’s as if you’ve know each other for a long time?  Well, you have.  You’re both in the same soul group which can consist of thousands of spiritual beings.

Therefore, the good news is there isn’t just one person for you so keep looking.  Don’t bypass someone just because he or she doesn’t fit your ideal mate.  Instead be aware of any connection you feel.

(Source: Light Collective - Kathryn Harwig)

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Give Money to Receive Money

Give Money to Receive Money

It’s the law but you won’t find it in any book. No. It’s one of the laws of the universe, the law of Giving and Receiving.

Ever notice that there is always an equal but opposite to everything; up/down, back/forth, give /receive.  It’s different aspects of the same energy and absolutely everything has energy even the seemingly stagnate coffee table beside you. Its nature harmonious intelligence in motion, everything seen and unseen constantly flows without us having a conscious awareness about it.
Your mind, body and spirit are in a constant dynamic exchange of energy but stopping that current of circulations is like stopping the flow of blood.  And what happens when blood stops flowing, it begins to clot and becomes sluggish in its movement. Somewhat like our economy right now.  The flow of money is moving very slow and it’s having a hard time getting back into the current. How do we fix that?

First let’s back up a bit and explain a few things. “The word affluence comes from the root word “affluere,” which means “to flow to.”  The word affluence means “to flow in abundance.”  Money is really a symbol of the life energy we exchange and the life energy we use as a result of the service we provide to the universe.  Another word for money is “currency,” which also reflects the flowing nature of energy.  The word currency comes from the Latin word “currere” which means “to run” or to flow.

Therefore, if we stop the circulation of money – if our only intention is to hold onto money and hoard it – since it is life energy, we will stop its circulation back into our lives as well.  In order to keep that energy coming to us, we have to keep the energy circulating.  Like a river, money must keep flowing, otherwise it begins to stagnate, to clog, to suffocate and strangle its very own life force.  Circulation keeps it alive and vital.” (The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success – Deepak Chopra)

Getting back to the Law of Receiving is simple.  In order to receive you have to give. It’s not give and take but a free, loving and joyful type of giving combined with allowing the receiving to come to you.  If you stop the flows of either you interfere with nature’s intelligence.  The more you give the more you will receive.  It will keep the abundance of the universe circulating in your life. And this just isn’t for money but for everything.  If you want joy you give joy. If you desire to be loved than you need to love others, want peace – give peace, want more clients – help others to get clients. You have to give freely and with joy the thing you wish to receive.

Giving isn’t just for birthdays, anniversaries and holidays.  You can give freely anytime, anywhere and to anyone.  It’s your choice.  Go for it!

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Retire! Bah Hum Bug

Retire! Bah Hum Bug

You’re as young as you feel , saving the best for last or it isn’t over till I say it’s over might describe the individuals who continue to learn, achieve and grow well into retirement years.  It’s as if they’re just hitting their stride.  Age is but a number.

They have such drive and sense of purpose that it propels them to continue to learn and grow.  Now with the wisdom they’ve earned through the years they’re able to continue to make their mark. What’s interesting is that their achievements are from different venues; fashion, political, athletic, education, science, music and the arts. It’s a true testament that it’s not over until you say it is.

The achievements of the following individuals didn’t happen overnight but were an accumulation and extension of what they’ve already experienced.
Arriving at one goal is the starting point to another” ~John Dewey
Take a look at just some of the well known individuals who made or continued to achieve and grow in their 70’s.

70 – Dr. William Mayo founds a medical clinic which will bear his name.
71 – Fashion icon Coco Chanel debuts the Chanel suit.
72 – Karl Wallenda, of the famous Flying Wallendas, walks a high wire between the Eden Rock and Fontianebleau hotels in Paris.
73 – Ronald Reagan is elected President of the United States.
74 – Ethel Andrus founds the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP).
75 – Piano virtuoso Claudio Arrau stays busy ion his seventy-fifth year, performing a total of 110 concerts.
76 – Thomas Jefferson begins designing buildings and developing curricula for the University of Virginia.
77 – Astronaut (and Senator) John Glenn returns to space on the Space Shuttle Discovery mission.
78 – Grandma Moses begins her career as a serious painter.
79 – Giuseppe Verdi composed the opera Falstaff.

There are people all around that are still learning and growing well into their retirement years.  Take my grandpa for example.  He finally gave up dairy farming at the ripe old age of 75.  That’s hard work at any age.  However he didn’t retire, that wasn’t his nature.  He rented out his land to another farmer and took up raising heifers and peacocks.  He also had taken up woodworking in his later years and now that he had more time he began making even more and difficult pieces. No he wasn’t famous but he did set an example for his children and grandchildren to follow.  He finally passed on when he was 91 years old.
What does this tell me? That when you stay engaged in life, have a sense of meaning and purpose you are more likely to live longer and enjoy it more too.

What does it say to you?

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

How Do You Show Up?

What the heck does that mean? Show up. When you need to have a conversation about a possible unpleasant topic, are you already upset about the subject? Do you assume there may be a dispute about it or are you gearing up for a confrontation? How do you enter that conversation then? Are you scared, tense, angry, frustrated, or apprehensive about what may happen? Whatever you are thinking, that is how you will show up. It manifests itself in our language, gestures, and body language. You could be saying all the right words, in your mind, and yet the other person is taking offense or doesn't understand your viewpoint. In essence you are giving mixed signals. If you are expecting a confrontation, your language will indicate that in subtle ways by choosing certain words that heads off a possible disagreement with your viewpoint, all the while standing rigid, arms crossed, and speaking in a cordial and professional voice.

What do you do then? Check in with yourself. Ask yourself what is the goal here. Is it to get your way or is it to accomplish something. Once you have grasped what the ultimate goal is, then you can look at the conversation for what it is, a conversation, nothing more, nothing less. Imagine entering into the conversation without no assumptions, expectations, or judgments. It is what it is.

Woody Allen said that 80% of success is just showing up. He meant physically being there but I think it could also be applied to how you're showing up in your interactions. The success of an interaction is based on how you show up for it. It’s also said that 90% of conflicts are due to your tone of voice while only 10% is for the conflict itself.

How you show up can make all the difference in the world on the outcome you receive. 

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Play a Victim - Stay a Victim

Victim is a term that seems to be used a lot these days and in my observation too freely.  Listen to the news and there doesn’t seem to be a class, race, sex or orientation that isn’t a victim
Granted there are experiences that people have that truly warrant the term. However, I bulk at the free use and ownership that some people cling to. They wear it like a badge.

Look at me. I’m a victim.
Feel sorry for me. I’m a victim.
Take care of me. I’m a victim.
Society owes me. I’m a victim.

When does this type of person stop becoming a victim?
They stop when they decide to take back their power and announce that their past, situation or experiences will no longer control or define who they are. That is when they take responsibility for how they feel. They forgive and move on. They no longer let an event, person or situation, past or present, control how they feel. That’s true power.
This scares a lot of people, to actually have the strength to let go and stand in total control of their emotions, to forget the past and move one.
You see, it’s much easier to stay in victimhood. It’s much easier to blame others for the results they’re experiencing instead of taking control. In fact, so much so, that all blame for a person’s failures is blamed on government, society, economy or other people, anything else but themselves.
What’s more irritating is when events never actually occurred for a person and yet they use it as a reason for them to be a victim too. What sense does that make?

Victimhood is a state of mind. You can let it define you or chalk it up to an isolated incident and move on. Take ownership of how you feel. Take a stand for integrity and when something bad happens have the wherewithal to realize it’s not you, it’s them.  

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Save the Earth

I’ve always wondered why some very healthy people, by all accounts, will fall ill and never recover while some old crusty guy chain smokes and drinks himself into old age without much effect on him.

It doesn’t seem fair, does it?
I think I found the answer.


The crusty old guy doesn’t buy into the effects of his bad habits. He doesn’t give them his attention. Instead he believes everything will be okay and that he’ll be just fine, thank you very much. On the other hand, the healthy person “believes” that cancer can kill and some foods are bad for you. Then when something happens to them they believe it will have the effect they believe it will have by what’s been promoted.

Skeptical, it’s the law of attraction at work? You attract what you think about. It comes down to what you believe. When you’re positive it shows up in all that you do from the way you walk, talk and present yourself. It has to. It’s a reflection of your inner mindset.

Need proof?
Check out the Messages in Water videos by Dr. Emoto.  It highlights the effect positive words and intentions have on water at a cellular level versus negative ones. By simply voicing good thoughts, blessing and praying, the chemistry of the water changes. Freaky! If that can happen to water what effect does that have on the rest of the planet? What percentage of plants, animals and humans are made up of water? I don’t know the exact amount but I know it’s a lot and none of us could survive without it.

Imagine simply by praying, blessing or having good intentions about your food will change the cellular structure so much so that what was once seen as unhealthy will only have a good effect on you.

Someone who was concerned about the effect of fracking on water asked the Light collective, channeled by Kathryn Harwig, if it contaminated the water making it unsafe to drink.  Their response was that all water is good. If you believe it is bad for you it will be, but it is all good.

Lesson – if you want to save the earth perhaps having gratitude for what it provides would be a better option. 

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

You Can See Clearly Now

For thousands of years, we have been taught not to judge - but let's face it, we still do it all the time. The truth is that we all have judgments running in our heads.

If you begin by pointing the finger of blame outward, then the focus isn't on you. You can just let loose and be uncensored. We're often quite sure about what other people need to do, how they should live, whom they should be with. We have 20/20 vision about others, but not about ourselves.

When you do The Work, you see who you are by seeing who you think other people are. Eventually you come to see that everything outside you is a reflection of your own thinking. You’re the storyteller, the projector of all stories, and the world is the projected image of your thoughts.

Since the beginning of time, people have been trying to change the world so that they can be happy. This hasn't ever worked because it approaches the problem backward. What The Work gives us is a way to change the projector - mind - rather than the projected. It's like when there's a piece of lint on a projector's lens. We think there's a flaw on the screen, and we try to change this person and that person, whoever the flaw appears to be on next. But it's futile to try to change the projected images. Once we realize where the lint is, we can clear the lens itself. This is the end of suffering, and the beginning of a little joy in paradise.

Find out more about The Work by Byron Katie in; "Loving What Is".

Friday, September 8, 2017

The Truth Shall Set You Free

Love that sentence. Imagine a world where you always knew what the truth is.  You’d know the true intention behind the guy who just asked you out, the politics at work and which of your politicians is telling the truth or selling you a lie. Okay, now I’m just dreaming.

How free would that make you?  You would then be able to make wise choices in your life instead of learning the hard way. Of course, sometimes you have to learn what you don’t want to find out what you do want but that’s another subject.

If you went into something with the truth fully exposed then you’d have no one else to blame or celebrate for the outcome but you.  That is freedom
Freedom is about having choices and being able to act on them, to take the good with the bad for those choices.  There is no bail out.  It’s taking responsibility for the choices you’ve made, some good and some not so good.
Truth and freedom go hand in hand.  The truth frees you.  It’s like a release button.  You get to release on all the tension, frustration and anxiety that builds up inside when you tell the truth.  That’s why confessions are good, and why convicts have to tell someone about what they did.  It could be to boost their ego but then again it could be to set their conscious free.

Hmm. Did you ever think of it that way?

Thursday, September 7, 2017

People Skills Add Flavor to Your Life

Many people do not listen with a clear intent to understand, they usually are concentrating on responding even before the other person has completed his or her thought. As a relationship expert, I would like to share some ideas on this subject so that whether you are looking to grow your business or need to enhance your personal people skills, you can learn to develop a different approach towards building interpersonal relationships.

PRACTICE makes perfect in life! Take advantage of every chance you get to practice your interpersonal skills so that when you have a special opportunity to get your point across or to be noticed, you are equipped with the right approach, style or clarity to affect others in a healthy and beneficial manner. Relationships are part of every aspect of our lives. Become your own relationship expert today so you can improve your people skills and add flavor to your life.

Joan Marie Whelan

Sometimes other people can say things better than I can. Joan Marie is one of them. Many years ago she gave me some very insightful advice. I've always remembered that. 

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Stop Fighting Cancer – It’s a losing battle

In fact, stop racing too.  It won’t get you what you want- a cure.
Like many others I too have had people close to me die from cancer.  It’s not a pretty sight.  However, I’m well versed in the Law of Attraction to know that you get what you ask for.  Therefore, if you ask for a fight that’s what you’re going to get, a disease that is constantly fighting back new treatments.   If you want to race for a cure then that’s what you’ll get – a race.  The goal will always be out of your reach.  It might show up as finding new treatments only to discover another symptom has taken its place and now we’ll be racing to find a cure for it.  The cure is the good part of the declaration but not the race part of it.

Cancer isn’t the only area that could use a revamp in its language.  Politicians are always claiming that we’ll fight for this or that.  The media picks up on the verbiage and now we have war on terrisiom, war on drugs.  Let’s see what else can we have a war on?  And then we wonder why the world is in the shape it’s in. 

Mother Teresa said it best when she said she wouldn’t participate in a March on War but she would if it was a Peace March.  She understood the Law of Attraction.

Society needs to choose their words more wisely.  I catch myself all the time saying things I should have said differently. I can’t blame anyone but myself for the results because I asked for it.

A simple statement like “Let’s have a discussion” has a negative energy to it.  To discuss comes from the Latin word discuss which is to dash to pieces and quatere - to shake. Therefore, you’re implying that there will be disagreement and that likely wasn’t your intention at all.  It would be far better to say that we need to have a conversation or dialogue about this matter. There isn’t a defensive emotion attached to those two words.  They’re neutral.  It’s the same reason Coke, Kodak and Toyota have such a good brand image, there isn’t a prior meaning attached to those words.

So if you want a cure for cancer it would be better to say you’ll walk, run, bike etc for it but not race. As the saying goes, “Where attention goes energy flows”.  Let’s give the attention to the cure and not the fight.  Are you with me?

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Not My President

We got what we asked for. Say what! “Not my President” you say. I beg to differ.

What have the masses been begging for? Let’s see; government that works for the people, transparency, jobs, better education, less taxes, roads fixed, and healthcare etcetera. You may not have said it like that but that’s the result if you want those things. Basically, you need to look at the essence of what you want not HOW it will show up. That’s the Law of Attraction ‘s job. It will give it to you.

Consciously you may be saying you don’t like the new administration but your subconscious is saying you want these things taken care of. So now we have a dilemma. Your sub-conscious wants these things fixed but your conscious mind has made up its mind on how and by what means it will show up. Guess which one wins, your sub conscious mind? Your conscious mind now must deal with the package your sub conscious mind has determined it will show up in. Yikes!

The sub conscious mind is very powerful that is why it’s important to be mindful of what you wish for. You just may get it. The Law of Attraction will give it to you but it doesn’t mean it will show up like you envisioned.

Thursday, May 25, 2017

You were born an original

You were born an original.  Don’t die a copy” ~ John Mason

We don’t need another Einstein, Lincoln, or Bob Hope. They were originals. They shined when it was their time to do so.  They were original in their thinking, delivery and persona.  It’s what made them unique. They were classic and you don’t mess with a classic.  You cherish, learn and hopefully get inspired to also be an original.

Eleanor Roosevelt is quoted as saying that good women don’t make history.  A similar phrasing could be said for being an original, unique individual. Copycats don’t make history, only originals.  It’s the people who insist on amplifying their uniqueness that shine not the copycats.

The Beetles, Bob Dylan, Elvis Presley, Beach Boys, Jimi Hendrix, Aretha Franklin, BB King and Michael Jackson were way ahead of their time in musical talent.  They were each unique in voice, phrasing, delivery and style of music. Each was or still is an original that has inspired others to go beyond their comfort zone.  That’s why they are considered classics.

Copying someone else my help you get started in expressing yourself.  By copying someone else you are complimenting them because you can relate to them.  However, use the copy technique as a tool to find your own voice.  Discover how you can take what you’ve learned and add your own unique spin and flavor to it. Make it your own because there is nothing better than the feeling you get when others like what you love to do.

(This is a snapshot of my book, Pick Me Up – Inspirational messages to make you jump for joy) 

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Want to Have a Green Thumb?

Have you ever noticed that people who are talented at growing plants talk to them?  I always thought it was just coincidence until I made the connection between Professor Emoto’s Messages in Water and the amount of water in plants.  If you’ve never seen the video go now to view it.


The message basically states that positive words and music have a profound effect on water crystals by producing beautiful or not so pretty crystals based on the type of words taped to the container or music played nearby.  When you take into account that the earth is 70% water and so are humans then what kind of effect are the language and music you’re listening to having on your body?  What effect does the word “love” tattooed on someone’s body have versus “hate”?  His work indicates that positive language is much more powerful than negative.  

It’s no wonder that people who talk to their plants have much better results.  Plants after all are mostly water too.  When a person talks to their plants they’re saying good things like how beautiful it looks.

Yep, I think Professor Emoto’s work confirms what those in the know already know; a positive outlook has more energy behind it and therefore produces better results.  Another way to say it is “You catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar.” That’s something to think about the next time you want positive results. 

Guess all those wanna be gardeners out there better start doing some sweet talking if they want to see the fruits of their labor, me included. Oh and, mind language too. 

Thursday, May 18, 2017

What is Right and Real and the Truth for You?

The way to choose happiness is to follow what is right and real and the truth for you” ~ Oprah Winfrey.

How true.  The key phrase here is “right for YOU”. That means not comparing yourself to someone else. You won’t find happiness comparing yourself to others or believing that the grass is greener on the other side.  If you do, you lose your opportunity for happiness.  Happiness is discovering what’s right for you and that takes getting to know yourself well.

It means you need to be authentic, to be the true you.  How many times have you stopped doing, being or saying something because you were afraid you weren’t going to be accepted, respected or loved if you did?  In those moments, the fear becomes more important than expressing who you are.

The reason unconditional love, God’s love, is so comforting is that supreme love accepts your true nature.  It is seeing the true intention behind the words and actions.  It’s seeing you on a deep spiritual level, not just the physical level, and loving you no matter what you do or say.

When you get to what’s right and real for you, you will embrace the truth of the spirit of God in you and your true essence will shine.

(This is a snapshot of my book, Pick Me Up – Inspirational messages to make you jump for joy, on Amazon and ITunes. You can also purchase it from my web site. www.yourtrueheartsdesire.com 

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

You’ve Got a Friend

James Taylor’s song really hits home for me. I can totally relate to it. Can you?
I once read an article in which Linda Ronstadt was asked if she’d do that song. She said she couldn’t because she couldn’t relate to it. Really!

So, what’s a friend? A friend to me is someone who accepts you as you are, faults and quirks to boot. Believe me we all have them. It’s the person who knows what you need just by how you do or don’t respond. Someone who knows what you need, be it a hug, kind words, a firm scolding or even silence without being prompted. It’s the person you can easily pick up where you left off with after having month or even years of non-or limited communication.

These are the people you cherish. They’re family without the title. In some cases, they’re better than family. Be grateful and appreciative for their presence in your life. 

Thursday, May 11, 2017

It’s More Important to be Right

Is it?  Thank about how many arguments and disagreements, whether personally, professionally or even by governments have escalated and continued on simply because one or more individuals made it more important to be right? Even after the agreement is long over sometimes and individual wants to have the last word by either out right saying or it or by implying that they were right.  Take it for what it is, insecurity.

Instead of looking at the disagreement from a broader perspective and being diplomatic the person is focused on his own viewpoint and insists his way is correct. Of course, if he’s right than you must be wrong and must be smarter than you, none of which is true.  It just makes him better. Instead of taking his emotions out of it and doing what is best for all concerned he’s made his emotions and viewpoint more important.

It takes a wise person to rise above the chaos of disagreements and tactfully convey to those involved to see the broader perspective.  It can’t be achieved in a lecture, shouting, telling tone of voice but in a confident, calm rational and objective voice.  Ghandi, Nelson Mandela and Mother Teresa are examples of people who calmly state with conviction their point of view and still got results.
When you find yourself in and argumentative tone, ask yourself what you’re making more important.  Ask yourself, “If I took out my emotions so that I had no involvement in the content of the discussion, would I react the same way?”
It’s something to think about.  However, it’s far more likely that you won’t think to ask yourself that question in the heat of a discussion but likely later when you have time to reflect on it.  That’s okay. That’s how you learn.

Have you found yourself making your viewpoint more important than the broader perspective? If so, please share your experience.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Violence is NEVER the answer

You always know when a person or group is losing an argument when they must resort first to yelling and name calling, second comes the pushing, and shoving until eventually it boils over into a full out act of violence. What happened? The people involved couldn’t control their emotions. That’s not a good example of maturity.

The Women’s March has such a convoluted and mish mash of mixed messages. It’s better to stay on point with a single message. Instead the media gave more attention to the swearing, vulgarity, and violence than the message the protesters wanted to convey.  In the process their message was a side item and made women look like the stereotypical unhinged emotional women on PMS.
Milo Yiannopaulos, I never heard of the guy until it was reported that protesters had blocked entrances and had become violent. Again, it was the violence and property damage that was reported instead of the protesters message. Thanks to them I now find myself watching Milo’s videos to find out what was so disturbing about him. I don’t think that was the protesters intention. I get it. You don’t like his message but was violence the answer? Was destruction of property, which is paid for with tax dollars which includes the protesters parents, the answer. I wonder how much tuition is going to go up now for future students because of their actions
History has proven that Gandhi and MLK were more successful with their peaceful protests. Mother Teresa understood the Law of Attraction. She’d walk for peace but not to protest a war. Do you understand the difference? Where attention goes energy flows. By marching for peace, the attention is on peace versus for war. The Law of Attraction is very powerful that’s why some 10 religions have various versions of it.

There seems to be quite a few people who insist on resisting the new administration instead of trying to make it work. What are they making more important? I’d say they’re viewpoint and opinions are more important than solving the issues they claim are important to them. When you find yourself in a situation you’re unhappy about, in this case criticizing everything in this administration, you have only three courses of action; 1) Become part of the solution 2) Leave the situation 3) Put up with it. Notice violence isn’t part of the actions.

So why are people turning to violence instead of accepting reality and working within it? Good question. Personally, I don’t understand the logic in that. It’s as if they’ll stop at nothing to get their way. Is that really helping the country? Does that mean for four years all they’re going to do is resist? Where will our country be then, nowhere, because there is no negotiating with violence. They can work within it, which would help the country plus give them respect, or they can choose to resist. The choice is theirs. 

Thursday, May 4, 2017

It Takes Courage to be Yourself

It takes courage to live your truth.  First off, what is your truth? Only you know for sure. It can get buried or mixed up with all that you’ve been taught that you’re not sure what part is you speaking and what part is a conditioned behavior.  Your truth is in there somewhere but you need to distinguish what values, passions and beliefs are yours and which are the works of other influences that you’ve picked up along the way.

It’s good when teenagers leave the nest to venture out on their own.  It gives them a chance to see the world from a different perspective.  They begin to discover who they are.  It’s as if the sunglasses come off and they can see clearly see what has influenced every aspect of their lives from their parents, friends and education etc.

It’s a time when they discover their truth.  They figure out what parts of what they’re learned they’re going to keep and which parts they’re going to disregard.  In the process they find their truth.

Your truth continues to evolve as you age because you’re constantly learning through each new adventure.  With every new experience you’re deciding what to keep and make your own and what to disregard.  A new understand takes place.  It’s you evolving.  How exciting! It takes listening to yourself without judgment and outside influences to clearly define your truth.

If you need help, I’m available to open up new realms of possibilities for you. 

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Making the Most of What You’ve Got

As simple as it sounds, we all must try to be the best person we can: by making the best choices, by making the most of the talents we’ve been given” ~ Mary Lou Retton

Every day you make choices that determine your future outcome.  Every choice you’ve made, every decision you make has brought you to the place where you are today.  From the friends you chose to hang out with to what you did with the education you’ve received has transformed you in to the person you are today.
Did you study hard throughout the school year or did you decide to cram for the test at the end of the year?  That was your choice and so was the result.  You chose whom to date and possibly to marry. Some of your choices were good and some not so good.  Throughout these choices, you were given the opportunity to learn from your choices, to filter out what you want from what you don’t want.  The choices you make give you clarity to make better choices with the intention of making you a better person.

Has there been a time in your life when everything was clicking, you were operating on all cylinders, you were at the top of your game, in the zone?  How did you feel?  Was it easy?  If so, you were in harmony with who-you-are and using your talents to their fullest.  That’s the funny thing about being who-you-are; you not only get to do what you’re good at but it’s easy.  Sweet!
So many people spend their time working on what they’re not good at, hoping that one day they will somehow become a balanced and therefore a complete person.  The Gallop poll has proven that the most successful people work on their strengths and find someone or something else to cover for the rest.  The best advice is to focus on what you’re good at and let the rest take care of itself.  You will always find someone or something else to cover for your weaknesses.

(This is a snapshot of my book, Pick Me Up – Inspirational messages to make you jump for joy, now on Amazon and iTunes. You can also purchase it from my web site at www.yourtrueheartsdesire.com) 

Thursday, April 27, 2017

4 Keys to Creating Joy in Your Life

The 4 keys to create joy in your life are closer than you think.  It’s within you. Yes, you can create the space for it to happen.  All you have to do is bring it out. However, it’s easier said than done.

1)   First you must discover yourself.  By that I mean you need to become consciously aware of what makes you unique, what makes you stand out.  What gives you the most satisfaction?  What is it that you get a kick out of doing?  Could you do it all day long and not get bored? Do you get excited about it? Would you do it even if you didn’t get paid to do it?

2)   The next step is to believe you have what it takes to become who you are born to be.  No excuses.  No fear, just do it.  Accept your divine self for all your known and unknown attributes.  It’s being able to envision yourself doing what you love to do.  This is the hardest step.

3)   The third step is creating your desired goal.  It’s the nuts and bolts of the desired outcome.  It’s the “how”.  It’s bringing into fruition what you desire.

4)   The last step is living your dream.  Sometimes when people achieve their dream they can’t believe they deserve it and end up sabotaging their own efforts.  They go back to step two and start over again from there.  It means step two wasn’t fully completed.  They didn’t truly believe it was possible so that is where they go back to.  When you embrace the last step you are living your true authentic self.  Isn’t that what you want?

You can find out more about becoming who you were born to be by checking out my website at www.yourtrueheartsdesire.com 

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Can I Get a Do Over?

Sure you can. You do it all the time.  It’s what you do with what you learned that counts.

Call me optimistic but I definitely like the, “Do Over” method of success.  A “Do Over” is when you get another chance to do what you initially attempted but this time you get a chance to do it correctly.

History is riddled with people who have had “Do Over’s”.  They didn’t succeed in their first, second or maybe even their third attempt but that didn’t stop them.  Each setback was an opportunity to evaluate what went wrong, make adjustments, and then attempt it again. Thomas Edison tried over 1000 times to create the light bulb. Imagine if he had given up. How many years would it have taken before someone else came along to invent it?

What I like most about “Do Over’s” is that there is no such thing as failure.  It’s as if you’re getting a free pass-go to the school and collect more knowledge- now go back and try it again.    With each setback you’re able to evaluate and refocus your energy on the achieving the task at hand.

It is only when you give up on the “Do Over” that you have truly failed for succumbing to failure drains the life blood of creativity that runs through your veins.  You must create and be better than your former self.  You must move forward by creating and it’s only through the “Do over process” that you continue to learn a new and better way to achieve your desires.

Therefore my friend, there is no such thing as failure as long as you continue to believe in “Do Over’s”.  

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Need a Quick Pick Me Up?

When you need a quick pick me up when you’re feeling down remind yourself of all the compliments you’ve received over the years, you know the ones you brush off as nothing, these are your strong points, the ones that you’ve embodied to thoroughly they are just a part of who you are.  Your unique blend of strengths, missteps and view point is what makes you stand out. Embrace it.
Typically, someone or something reminded you of an attribute that isn’t your strong point and now you’re dwelling on that instead of acknowledging it and focusing on what are your strong points.  We all have areas that we’re strong in and other areas that we are not. No one is perfect. Don’t worry yourself silly over it.  It’s just a waste of time.

There are far too many influences in your life that can literally stop you from becoming who you were born to be.  Your well-meaning parents, colleagues and friends may have talked you out of what you wanted to do for fear you might be get hurt or not make enough money.  The list could go on and on.  I know I’ve done it myself.  At the time I thought I was looking out for my friend. I know now that it was what she wanted and I talked her out of having that experience. It won’t happen again.

Too often you can get caught up in the day to day activities of your life that you forget who you are and what you wanted.  The demands of earning a living and societies’ pressure can make you lose sight of what you initially wanted to do.  Some day you may even wake up and ask yourself “Why am I doing this.  Am I happy doing this? Is this bringing me joy? Am I out of whack with who I am? Does this really fit who I am?” Are you lost in the “doing” of life instead of the “being” of life? To “BE” is to be who you are in an authentic, in the moment way.  It’s a “Here I am take it or leave it attitude” A good question to ask yourself is if money, time and education weren’t a factor, what would you be doing now? When you’re young and contemplating what you want to be when you grow up you are actually closer to who you are then when you start factoring in the above criteria.

Who are you anyway?  What makes you stand out? What are the unique blend of talents and experiences that only you can offer? Figure out what that is and use it to your advantage. When you’re feeling down and losing confidence in yourself, pick yourself up by reminding yourself that you do have a unique blend of talents and you just need the right venue to express them. 

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

What is Your Truth?

Engaging in behavior that you feel guilty or ashamed about erodes your self-esteem and self-confidence. Conversely, you can feel good about yourself by only doing that which you feel is right. Of course, this is based on your own moral compass and no one else’s.

What is right and real of you?  You see, following your truth always makes you feel good about yourself.  Whenever you get the slightest emotional tug that something just isn’t right with what you’re saying or doing that’s you living outside of your truth. It’s your inner conscious gives you a wake-up call saying”This isn’t you.”  This emotional snap can happen in a nana second.  You may not even notice it or shrug it off as nothing, worse yet; you talk yourself into justifying your behavior.

Your inner “feel good emotion” is your barometer for you living your truth.  Simply put, when you feel good about yourself you’re living your truth.  When you don’t feel good about yourself then you aren’t.

Living your truth encompasses every aspect of your life from your relationships to how you take care of yourself.  When you find yourself disappointed in yourself because you were silent on an issue you are very passionate about, then you aren’t living your truth.  Your words and actions have to match what you feel inside to live your truth.  It means being honest with yourself and honoring your integrity.

When it comes to speaking your truth no one can tell you what it is.  You have to discover it for yourself.  Your truth is not the same as anyone else’s.  Only you know what will make you feel good about yourself and what will not.  Your emotions are your barometer for maintaining your truth.

Now I ask you, “What is your truth”?