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Monday, August 17, 2015

68 Seconds to an Awesome Life

Do you have 68 seconds to spare? Sure you do.  That’s all it takes to start creating the life you want. Sound too easy to be true doesn’t it?  It must be harder than that. Isn’t that what you’ve been taught?  If you want something you have to work hard to get it.  But what if it was easier than that? Wouldn’t you want to know what it is?

If you listen or follow life coaches and mind set gurus out there one of the primary goals that need to be achieved before you can get anywhere is to become REALLY clear on what you want. In other words, you need to get the Law of Attraction to work for you.  The universe doesn’t know what to send you if you keep sending mixed signals like changing your mind or wanting something but deep down believing it’s not possible.  You do it all the time.  I do it too.  But you can train yourself to change your mindset into believing it can come true. I’ll tell you how.

First off, your mind can’t tell the real from the imaginary.  Think of all the time you’ve been emotionally impacted (anxious, excited, sad, happy) watching a movie.  The events in the movie aren’t really happening but your thoughts about them being real are. That’s what brings about the emotion.  The mind is a magnificent thing.  Why not put it to good use then? Since the mind can’t distinguish the real from the imaginary why don’t you create the life you want in your mind and let the universe take care of the rest?

Here’s how it goes.   For 68 seconds write down how you want your life to be, not how it is.  List what kind of career you want, what will your home life be like, what kind of hobbies and events you will find yourself in and what will your average day feel like.  You can be as detailed as you like but remember you only have 68 seconds.  That’s all it takes to start shifting your mind from what’s happening now to what you want it to be.  This is how the Law of Attraction really works.  By writing down how you want it to be you become really clear and then the universe can do what it does best, manifest desires. Do this daily if need be.  If your day didn’t go the way you would have liked it to go, write down how you would like it to go tomorrow then. You’ve got 68 seconds. Ready, set, go!

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