Recently I was reminded how my upbringing has shaped my
life. I was raised with the philosophy that I should treat others as I wish to
be treated and I got to thinking about this on a deeper level and what it means
to me.
For me it means I should love others because that’s
what I want for myself. I should forgive
others for their mistakes because I would want to be forgiven so that I could
make amends. It would free my spirit. In short, it means to come from a place
of love.
Often times it’s easy to become upset about news and
events but then if you take a step back and come from a mind set of love which encompasses
many possibilities, the picture you’ve painted as reality changes. A new
perceptive emerges, an awakening.
It’s not always easy to stay in that space. I can only
image how Jesus, Gandhi and Mother Teresa did it.