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Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Resolution Revolution

Resolution Revolution

How’s that resolution you made holding up so far, such noble intentions that somehow dwindle as time ticks on?  Let’s face it; it’s hard to hold yourself accountable unless you have an absolute, unshakable resolve to see it through to the end.

Of course, you don’t need the beginning of a year to make a resolution but it makes a nice starting place.  Spring is also a good time for new starts as it aligns with nature’s new beginnings. But just like nature the seeds of birth didn’t start in spring, they were planted months earlier. You only physically get to see them in spring. They lay dormant in the ground hibernating waiting for just the right conditions to come to life.  It is amazing when you think about it in the grand scheme of things.

People aren’t so different.  In the winter, we may appear dormant but inside growth is occurring.  It’s a time of reflection, evaluation, goal setting and dream making.  Just like nature you plant seeds through the contacts you make, the education you receive and the goals you achieve.  Bit by bit those seeds grow into what you’ve created whether you’re conscious of what you planted or not. Key point here, create by design and not by default.

Losing weight, healthy eating and increased exercise are all high resolutions set at the beginning of the year but only a few will see it through.  The ones who plant and nurture the seeds of success will achieve their goal. They cleaned out their cupboard of unhealthy food, made a conscious choice to change the foods they consume, plan and stick to an exercise routine that fits their lifestyle, sought the support of family and friends who will hold them accountable in achieving their goal and have a celebratory event for each identified milestone.  These are all seeds of success.

If you have a goal that you with to attain you need to research what it would take to achieve that goal and then go about planting the seeds to achieve it.  It could be a class you need to take; contacts that you need to make or even conversations you need to have with key people. It’s not necessarily blasting out about what you desire but planting the seed of interest and then doing something about it that’s important. Bit by bit, month by month you’ll begin to see the fruits of your labor and before you know it, KA…ZAM you’re there.

Now get busy planting those seeds.

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