That’s the underlying message I feel some groups impose
on society. It could be the EPA, animal rights gay marriage, education, or even
food choices. Recently I heard the vegan community lamenting beef because of
some allergic reaction the beef had thus promoting that vegan is better.
Everyone has the right to have their own opinion and
you’re free to partake in your beliefs, however, what is the underlying desire of
some to force others to abide by their viewpoint, to change laws, procedures or
requirements to fit their view? The only thing I can think of is insecurity and
If you’re secure in your beliefs you certainly don’t
need to have them validated by anyone else.
Perhaps you feel alone therefore by forcing others to your viewpoint will
make you feel better, not an outcast.
Power, perhaps the thrill of controlling others does something
for you and the only way to do that is to shame or force someone to abide by
your beliefs.
The problem with forcing, controlling or restricting
others is that unless they follow your way it doesn’t last. It’s on a façade.
Persuasion is a much better tool to use. When people are controlled by
restricting their way of being they will eventually rebel. It’s like how the
saying goes, “You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink.” It
also applies here.
Whether it’s food choices, education or gay marriage it
doesn’t matter how many laws are passed it won’t change the core belief each
and every one of us has. Take for example abortion, even though it became law
there is still a huge resistance for its acceptance.
In order for changes to really take hold, it has to
follow a natural evolutionary process one in which there is no resistance, the
greater the push the greater the resistance. In many of the areas I mentioned there has
been much resistance and yet it still continues to be pushed by a few. If it
has to be pushed than it’s not evolving naturally.
Curious, what changes do you think will have staying