Darth Vadar was right. Resistance is futile. I’ll agree
with him but for a different reason. If you really want to get somewhere in
life, forcing something to happen or forcing something on someone is always in
the end going to be futile. It goes against
our innate free will. Even if you do get what you want it’s through fear and
intimidation which won’t stand the test of time.
Let’s look at this from the Principle of Polarity which
states everything has its equal and opposite in the universe. Therefore, the
opposite of resistance is compliance, approval and acceptance. You can force a
change on someone or you can have them engaged in the process where they’ll go
willingly. Which one do you think would be more beneficial for everyone to
create a win-win situation? Of course the “buy in” is the long lasting solution.
However it does take more energy to create it. That’s the price you pay but its
well worth it.
When people are forced against their will it creates animosity
and grudges. Personally I think it’s better to make the effort and get the
person’s willingness to accept it then to deal with the negative energy that
comes with resistance. In the end it creates a win-win solution that everyone
is happy to be a part of.