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Saturday, June 26, 2010

Nurses Strike - Not Valued in Workplace

It's sad to see people get taken advantage of in any shape of form but to see it done publicly by a  business is particularly disturbing.

The 12,000 strong nurse's union are fighting to keep the concessions that they received  from the last contract intact. However, the hospital's want to take it all away and replace it with .... nothing. Apparently it is more important to give the CEO a million dollar bonus than it is to provide a better nurse to patient ratio.  How many nurses do you think could have been added to provide better care for the patients with a million dollars?

For those of you who haven't been getting the whole story, one of the issues the nurse's would like to see is better patient care. They get stressed out when they have too many patients to cover and feel like they're not providing the best of care. Like anyone who cares about what they do, they want to provide the best care and yet feel strapped by the constraints of their employers. Who really does the bulk of the work at a hospital, the nurses of course. And yet, this is the area that they want to cut. What is it really saying?  It's saying that they're not valuable, which is nonsense. A patient has more contact with the nurses than they do with anyone else.

When they did strike for a day, what the public doesn't know is that some nurses were escorted out of the building before they could finish up the charts for their patients. There were nurses who were in the middle of giving meds to patients. This is scary. How would the replacements know where to start if the charts aren't kept up. What else came out of the strike is that quite a few of the replacements were fresh from nursing school and didn't know how to do some of the jobs that they were replacing and yet they were getting paid twice as much as the regular nurses.

What is sad is that nurses, as a whole, are compassionate people that are being taken advantage of because of their caring nature. Being of service in a meaningful way is what motivates them to care for others. Here we have a group of people who are putting the patient first and yet the hospitals are saying it's all about pay and benefits. The media has picked up on this publicity stunt instead of investigating the real issues. I know this to be true because I have relatives and friends who are nurses.

In the end it will be the future patients that will suffer,  it could be you, it could be me, if the hospitals don't listen to the nurses. They REALLY know what's going on because they're actually doing it every day instead of sitting behind a desk pushing a pencil.

I don't know about you, but when it comes to my health I prefer to listen to the professionals and not management. If the nurses say they can only handle no more than two patients per nurse in ICU,  I think they know what they're talking about.

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