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Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Be Good to Yourself

No one cares about you more than you do. Unfortunately, especially for mothers, it’s the one person they don’t’ take care of. Everyone else comes first and if there’s enough time and money she’ll do something for herself. However, sometimes she puts a guilty price tag on it.

This should not be the case. It’s devaluing your worth as a wife, women, and mother. If anyone deserves to be pampered it’s you and it shouldn’t be just on your birthday or Mother’s Day.

You need to be good to yourself because just like the oxygen mask in the airplane you need to help yourself first before you can help others. If you don’t, you can become bitter or blow up over the littlest thing. When you take time for yourself you are able to reconnect with who you are as a person and not any kind of role you play.

Some people like to spoil themselves with a massage, new nails, shopping, a get away with friends or just a walk in nature. Whatever works for you, do it.

You owe it to yourself and those around really want you to be happy. So, be good to yourself.

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