If you focus on the high gas prices,
unemployment, war, natural disasters, and the downturn in the economy then that
is all you'll see and you'll get more of the same. However, when you start
focusing on the two houses that just got sold on your block, the friend who got
a new job, the outpouring of relief that people are willing to give, then that
is what you'll see and then that is what you'll see more of.
The economy always goes up and down. There
will always be natural disasters, and there always seems to be a war going on
somewhere on earth. That is the nature of humans and life on earth.
What can you change? You can change your
perception and put out into the universe your view on how things could be.
Instead of being anti-war, be pro-peace. Instead of thinking about how bad the
economy is, think about it as going through a rough patch. Focus on the light
at the end of the tunnel. Our ancestors went through more than we ever did.
Other countries are in worse shape than we are.
Face it. We don't want to suffer yet
those before us have and so have the citizens of other countries. It's a fact
of life. Get over yourself! Put out into the universe the positive things about
life and that’s what you’ll get. It’s the Law of Attraction in motion. Make it
work for you.