Have you ever found yourself driving along a familiar
roadway and suddenly realize where you were and thought to yourself, “Did I
remember to stop at that stop sign?”
That’s sometimes referred to letting your mind wonder,
zoning out or drifting. Don’t get stressed out about it. You’re not the only
one it happens to. We all tend to lose our conscious awareness of what’s going
on particularly when we’re around familiar or uninteresting situations.
Let’s face it. It’s difficult to be fully conscious at
every moment all day long. But it’s when you’ll discover how alive you really
are because you’ll become totally engaged in the present moment.
Being conscious means to synthesize, organize and
direct our thoughts from the “how” you are “what” you should be conscious of in
your mind.
There are ways to determine to be more present and
therefore more conscious of your surroundings.
Be conscious of your thoughts. Ask yourself
where you should focus your thoughts right now.
Be conscious of your physical and emotional
now. What is your energy level and how shall I feel right now.
Your behavior speaks volumes on which you
are and dictates your results in life as well as how others feel about you.
Be conscious of others. Imagine what it
would feel to be in their place and what kind of mindset does the other person
What is your progress? Are you moving forward,
taking the necessary actions, managing your thoughts, feelings, behaviors and relationships
that will help you progress and grow?
Be conscious of the present moment. It
means being fully aware and attentive but at the same time you release yourself
from any expectation. Be at peace with and fully present with what is.
Be conscious of coincidence and intuition.
There are no coincidences and trust your gut instinct. It’s your personal
survival mechanism.
Finally, live in wonder. Remind yourself
what it was like to be a child and marvel at all the life going on around you.
Eckhart Tolle has a few books out on accessing the
present moment but I’d like to recommend two others. “Loving What Is” by Byron
Katie, is a really good book about learning how to see the beauty in what is.
The other book, “The Precious Present” by Spencer Johnson, is a short story you
can read to your children but it’s a lesson for all of us.
Let me know how these books work out for you.
"I’m trying to
free your mind, Neo. But I can only show you the door. You’re the one who must
walk through it” ~ Morpheus from The Matrix
Source: The Charge by Brendon Burchard