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Thursday, September 30, 2010

What Would You do if You Only had a Few Months to Live?

You'd probably list all the things you want to do in your short life; Do the things you've always wanted to do, say the things you've always wanted to say but for some reason it never materialized, be the person you only thought you could be. Why not live it now? If you were going to die in a year you would have lived everything on that list. Now that you know you have your whole life before you, you may as well spend your whole life living what you want. That is the most valuable list you could have.

What is really important to people when they are facing the end of their life? The answer seems clear: they have lived according to their core values, meaning how much love did they give and receive in their life. They also, wanted to feel somehow that the world is richer for their presence. Don't we all want that? What would we do if only we gave ourselves the time and authority? How much of what we truly wish for ourselves do we pursue? And do we have to be on our death beds to know what's important?

What's your purpose? It’s your map and guide to finding the answers to all these questions.

"One Purpose", Richard Jacobs

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder

Appreciate yourself. The next time someone pays you a compliment, don't shrug it off or put yourself down. When we push away acknowledgement of our divine selves, we can't amplify the good that is trying to move through our lives. We can be humble and still accept praise. Accept that others are seeing the God within you. Take pleasure that others recognize your true identity. And give the gift of a compliment to someone else. -Mary Mannin Morrissey

We all have gifts that we don't recognize because they are so embodied in ourselves that we think of them as easy and therefore not worth mentioning. If fact, other people see it as a gift that they don't have and therefore they appreciate it. When someone gives you a compliment, a simple "Thank You" will do. However, take a moment to think about that compliment and what it really meant to the sender. I think you will discover something about yourself that will put a smile on your face and who couldn't use that?

Saturday, September 25, 2010

I Can See Clearly Now

For thousands of years, we have been taught not to judge - but let's face it, we still do it all the time. The truth is that we all have judgments running in our heads.

If you begin by pointing the finger of blame outward, then the focus isn't on you. You can just let loose and be uncensored. We're often quite sure about what other people need to do, how they should live, whom they should be with. We have 20/20 vision about others, but not about ourselves.

When you do The Work, you see who you are by seeing who you think other people are. Eventually you come to see that everything outside you is a reflection of your own thinking. You’re the storyteller, the projector of all stories, and the world is the projected image of your thoughts.

Since the beginning of time, people have been trying to change the world so that they can be happy. This hasn't ever worked, because it approaches the problem backward. What The Work gives us is a way to change the projector - mind - rather than the projected. It's like when there's a piece of lint on a projector's lens. We think there's a flaw on the screen, and we try to change this person and that person, whoever the flaw appears to be on next. But it's futile to try to change the projected images. Once we realize where the lint is, we can clear the lens itself. This is the end of suffering, and the beginning of a little joy in paradise.

Find out more about The Work by Byron Katie in; "Loving What Is".

Thursday, September 23, 2010


It is not because things are difficult we do not dare. It is because we do not dare that things are difficult." -- Seneca

Come on. Say yes to the dare. :)

There is a great book I read that really addresses the fear that keeps each of us from achieving what we're meant to do. It is called, Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway. This book gets down to the nitty gritty as to why you have the fear and what to do about it. Basically, fear will always be there. What are you going to do about it; let it rule you or conquer your fear and take control of your life? If you take a long hard look at the reasons you don't do something, there is a fear buried deep within you that you may not even admit to yourself. You're afraid. What are you afraid of; losing a friendship, relationship, job, possessions, financial security, yourself? Even when you look at addictions, the person is afraid of confronting someone or something so they drown themselves in the addiction to numb the reality. If it doesn't show up as an addiction, it may show up as being a work alcoholic, moody, withdrawn, or angry. It is only when the person faces their fear that he or she finally is in control of their destiny. Take the dare.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Working Together - Nature Supplies the Perfect Model

The reason why geese fly in "V" formation is because as each bird flaps its wings it creates uplift for the one that follows it. This way the whole flock achieves an extra 71% flying range. 71%! When the lead goose tires it drifts back into the formation and another moves to the lead position so that they all benefit from the extra lift.

Nature has the perfect model. These birds are working better together than any other human group I've ever met or heard of... and they have brains the size of olives. "If geese can do it, people can to."

When participants unite behind a common purpose, they make each person's load easier and together they boost each other's potential. What a great concept!

"One Purpose", Richard Jacobs

Saturday, September 18, 2010

What's Your Purpose?

We are all fundamentally the same. We all want peace, loving relationships, a sense of meaning and truth in our lives, and to feel in our autumn years that the world is somehow richer for our presence. So where does this sense of fulfillment come from? And do we have to wait until it's nearly all over before we realize what is truly important to us?

What's your purpose? Lets you find answers to these questions, by helping you to define and live what are most important to you. Purpose is a focus, intent. What's your Purpose? Asks you, what do I intent to give to the world? Do you wish to leave this planet with things untried, undone and unsaid? In our heart of hearts, each of us wants to live life deeply in Integrity with who we are and our highest vision of the world. Every time we go against this deep sense of knowing and "rightness" we eat away at our own energy source and we become compromised human beings ... someone who has settled for less than their best, who has become jaded, tired and believing more in limitation than in possibility.

Purpose is the acupuncture point of Integrity. When we live it, everything that is meaningful to us, our values and our highest beliefs come into alignment and we become the expression of the best part of ourselves.

"One Purpose" by Richard Jacobs

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Catch the Wave and Ripple

A ripple effect is just what you think it is it goes on and on. Like the ripple effect of a wave of water, it can be huge like in the ocean wave or smaller like when something is dropped in some water. I like the second description better because when that happens it spreads all out from around the point of entry and then keeps extending outward.

Think of the effect someone had on you by just saying "Hi" or "How's it going" with a smile. Or when someone you didn't know let you go in front of them in line. How about the times you've had a chance encounter with someone and in the course of that interaction you both got a chuckle out of something. Doesn't that change your mood? Suddenly the muck that was running around in your brain has disappeared. You're in a different place, mentally. All someone has to do is give me an unsolicited piece of chocolate and I'm in a good mood. It's so simple. Now I'm in a better mood which causes me to be friendlier with the people I come in contact with. I then put other people in a good mood and then it keeps on multiplying - the ripple effect- its random acts of kindness. It's what makes the world a better place

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

What You Focus on is What You Get

If you focus on the high gas prices, unemployment, war, natural disasters, and the downturn in the economy then that is all you'll see and you'll get more of the same. However, when you start focusing on the two houses that just got sold on your block, the friend who got a new job, the outpouring of relief that people are willing to give, then that is what you'll see and then that is what you'll see more of. The economy always goes up and down. There will always be natural disasters, and there always seems to be a war going on somewhere on earth. That is the nature on humans and life on earth. What can you change? You can change your perception and put out into the universe your view on how things could be. Instead of being anti-war, be pro-peace. Instead of thinking about how bad the economy is, think about it as going through a rough patch and focus on the light at the tunnel. Our ancestors went through more than we ever did. Other countries are in worse shape than we are. Face it. We're spoiled. We don't want to suffer yet those before us have and for citizens of other countries it's a fact of life. Get over yourself! Put out into the universe the positive things about life.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Play to Your Strengths

Often times people believe that by working harder on something they're not good at they will somehow become a more complete, successful, and therefore better person. However, the Gallop Poll has proven that the most successful people play to their strengths and find someone or something else to cover for the rest. It makes sense. There is a reason you are good at some things and not others. They came naturally to you therefore you are meant to use them to fulfill your purpose in life. If they are innate and come naturally to you then to succeed in them is effortless to you.

The problem is we don't always recognize our own talents, strengths, and gifts. Sure other people can point them out with ease but we have a hard time recognizing our own gifts. We tend to brush the complements off because either we don't want the attention or it was so easy for us that it doesn't deserve a complement. Think of all the things you have been complemented in your life; those are your talents, strengths, and gifts. Should your brush that off than think of all the people you have come across that aren't good at it.

You will always find someone out there who is better at something than you. However, NO ONE ELSE looks, hears, or feels the same way that you do. Therefore, it is IMPOSSIBLE for someone else to come up with the same way of thinking, doing, or saying something like you will. Long story short, don't be afraid to go for it and say or do it your way.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Change Your Mind and Change Your World

The title is a lyric from a song by Sugarland. It’s very short but extremely powerful. It means by YOU deciding to change your perspective or mindset on a viewpoint, person, emotion etc will literally change your world.

Simply put, you take any situation you find yourself in; stuck in traffic, loss of job and find the positive learning experience in it. It can be difficult to find something positive about losing a job but here are some positive points.

 I really wasn’t happy there anyway.

 This gives me an opportunity to take advantage of some programs out there to update my skills.

 I’ll find something better because I’m a talented person.

 Maybe now would be a good time to pursue that career change.

There is always something positive to find in any given situation, you just may need to look harder to find it. Even when you’re in an argument it could be that you’re learning to stand up for yourself. When you’re stuck in traffic it could be that now you have time to listen to that tape or CD you’ve been carrying around. Someone you know passes away and you realize what you learned from that person, appreciate it and decide to be more like them.

Every moment of your life you have the power to decide whether to be happy or sad. The influence of those around you need not negatively impact your experience. You are the creator of your world and therefore it’s up to you to decide how YOU will view it.

Change your mind and change your world.