Bette Davis said it best in the classic movie, “All About Eve”, when she turned to her guests and said, “Fasten your seatbelt. It’s going to be a bumpy night”. However in this case it would be a bumpy year because that’s what 2012 is all about.
Don’t fret just because the Mayan calendar is ending. According to Numerology, 2012 indicates that this is the year of change but that doesn’t mean dome and gloom. Change is a matter of perspective. Getting married, moving, having a child or starting a new job all involve change but it’s typically viewed with excitement and anticipation, 2012 isn’t any different.
The science of Numerology tells us 2012 will be a year of BIG changes, not endings. It represents freedom, chaos, competition, money issues, separation, adventure and accelerated speed. Plus this energy may foster a pattern of experiential trial and error of daily living. We will see more opportunities to live on the leading edge of life in 2012.
The year of 2012 has very powerful energy. It wants to see if the daily patterns of daily living are disrupted. It’s all about not getting bored with your daily routine. Everything stable it open to being challenged, especially relationships and self-confidence. Hence, “Fasten your seatbelt.”
In the same train of thought but with a different twist is the movie, Father of the Bride. There’s a theatre scene where the father is visually filled with anxiety over the mistakes that are being made in his son’s play. In contrast, his wife is smiling and laughing with the rest of the audience. She views the situation as a roller coaster ride which has its ups and downs but is so much fun. It’s an adventure. The father at first views the roller coaster ride as scary and unpredictable but then starts to enjoy the ride.
2012 is the roller coaster ride, an adventure into the unknown. Now isn’t that exciting?