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Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Catch the Wave and Ripple

A ripple effect is just what you think it is it goes on and on. Like the ripple effect of a wave of water, it can be huge like in the ocean wave or smaller like when something is dropped in some water. I like the second description better because when that happens it spreads all out from around the point of entry and then keeps extending outward.

The ripple effect can be positive or negative. When you come in contact with someone in a foul mood that person can affect the atmosphere of the entire area. For example, the leader of a company sets the tone for the business and it ripples through the company. I’ve had friends who realized they were getting stressed out before they even got to work. Just the thought of how their immediate boss rattled off orders put them in panic mode. That’s not good. Don’t let someone else’s garbage contaminate your brain or mood for that matter. It’s them, not you.

On the opposite end, think of the effect someone had on you by just saying "Hi" or "How's it going" with a smile. Or when someone you didn't know let you go in front of them in line. How about the times you've had a chance encounter with someone and in the course of that interaction you both got a chuckle out of something. Doesn't that change your mood? Suddenly the muck that was running around in your brain has disappeared. You're in a different place, mentally. All someone has to do is give me an unsolicited piece of chocolate and I'm in a good mood. It's so simple. Now I'm in a better mood which causes me to be friendlier with the people I come in contact with. I then put other people in a good mood and then it keeps on multiplying - the ripple effect- its random acts of kindness. It's what makes the world a better place

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