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Friday, September 23, 2011

Raise Your Credit Score

Give yourself credit for what you’ve done and how far you’ve come.

Too often we overlook the things that we do on a daily basis as insignificant because it’s easy. It’s what we do. In reality for you it might be easy but for the guy next to you it’s a struggle. That’s why it’s so hard to give yourself credit, it’s easy. For some reason we believe that to be valued it must be hard to do. Nonsense! I’m on a revolution here to change that kind of thinking. Are you with me?

Here’s a clue. When someone gives you a compliment about something you did and your response is something like, “It was nothing or no big deal”, that’s your clue that it’s one of your talents. Remember those moments when you’re feeling a bit down on yourself.

Here’s another easy test. Look back at the week and reflect on what you’ve accomplished. Take it a step further and look back at the last six months. How far have you come? What goals did you set for yourself and meet? If not, have you gotten closer to it? Every step you took brought you closer and closer to where you are today. Give yourself credit.

It fluctuates. One week you may give yourself a three while another week you were hitting nines. That’s really good. Give yourself credit.

Instead of looking at how far you have to go to reach your goal, look at how far you’ve come. The results may surprise you. Sometimes the goal isn’t’ so much a “doing” thing but a “being “ thing in that you’ve grown as a person. Others may not notice the growth that’s taken place but you have. Give yourself credit.

Every course, conversation or book you’ve read has brought you closer to who you want to be. Give yourself credit.

How high is your score now?

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